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月旭 溶出杯

品牌 厂商性质 产地 货期
月旭科技 生产商 上海 现货

在线咨询 询底价
货号 规格 操作
GLAENC-70XDS 200mL Clear Non-Graduated Outer Glass with Flat Bottom for Agilent 708-DS Enhancer Cell 询底价
VSCLIP-DKSS Vessel Retainer Assembly with SS Phillips head screw & hex nut for Distek 2100 and 6300 baths 询底价
VSCLIP-DK Vessel Retainer Assembly for Distek 2100 and 6300 baths 询底价
VESSTD-APP3/20 20 Position Vessel Stand for 300mL Outer Glass 询底价
VESSTD-APP3/14 14 Position Vessel Stand for 300mL Outer Glass 询底价
VESSTD-08H 8 Position Vessel Stand, Universal 询底价
VESSTD-06HRV 6 Position Vessel Stand for Hanson Vision Vessels 询底价
VESSTD-06H 6 Position Vessel Stand, Universal 询底价
STD80 80mm Spacer for Vessel Verticality for VanKel/Varian, Use with CNTGAG-MI, Serialized with 1 year calibration 询底价
SPCR80 80mm Spacer for Vessel Verticality for Hanson/Distek, Use with CNTGAG-MI and COLLAR-75, Serialized with 1 year calibration 询底价
PLA900-HR 1000mL Clear Plastic Footed Vessel for Hanson 询底价
PLA900-EW 1000mL Clear Plastic Footed Vessel for Erweka 询底价
PLA900-DK 1000mL Clear Plastic Footed Vessel for Distek 询底价
PLA900-AV 1000mL Amber Plastic Footed Vessel for Agilent/VanKel/Varian 询底价
PLA900-AP 1000mL Amber Plastic Footed Vessel for Pharmatest 询底价
PLA900-AH 1000mL Amber Plastic Footed Vessel for Hanson 询底价
PLA900-AD 1000mL Amber Plastic Footed Vessel for Distek 询底价
PLA900-01 1000mL Clear Plastic Footed Vessel for Agilent/VanKel/Varian 询底价
KNOB-708 Vessel Clamp Knob for 708-DS baths (set of 2) 询底价
KNOB-2100 Vessel Clamp Knob for 2100 baths (set of 2) 询底价

月旭 溶出杯信息由月旭科技(上海)股份有限公司 为您提供,如您想了解更多关于月旭 溶出杯报价、型号、参数等信息,欢迎来电或留言咨询。
