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赛默飞Thermo IonPac AS22-Fast Carbonate Eluent Anion-Exchange Column离子色谱IC柱

品牌 厂商性质 产地 货期
赛默飞 一般经销商 美国 现货



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Super Fast Analysis of Common Inorganic Anions

Designed specifically for compliance monitoring of inorganic anions in accordance with US EPA Method 300.0 (A) and 300.1, the IonPac®AS22-Fast represents the culmination of more than 20 years of column development, and is a key complement to our award-winning Reagent-FreeIC system.

  • Super-Fast isocratic separation of the common inorganic anions in under 5 minutes

  • Carbonate peak well-resolved from the common inorganic anions

  • Same selectivity as AS22 column

  • Meets performance requirements specified in US EPA Method 300.0 (A)

  • Fast alternative for AS4A-SC, AS12A, AS14, AS14A, and AS22 inorganic anion applications

  • Simple, accurate eluent preparation with the AS22 Eluent Concentrate

  • Optimized for a 30 °C operating temperature to ensure reproducible retention times

The AS22-Fast is designed for the fast determination of inorganic anions and low molecular weight organic acids including fluoride, acetate, formate, chloride, nitrite, bromide, nitrate, phosphate, and sulfate. The AS22-Fast can be used with isocratic carbonate/bicarbonate eluents and suppressed conductivity detection. Common inorganic anions can easily be separated in a variety of sample matrices including drinking water, wastewater, process streams, and scrubber solutions.

The AS22-Fast can be used in combination with the Eluent Generator and the Electrolytic pH Modifier (EPM) which automatically produce potassium carbonate/bicarbonate eluents from water. The AS22-Fast column is the newest carbonate eluent column recommended for super fast analysis of inorganic anions and is a faster alternative, using carbonate-bicarbonate eluents, for AS4A-SC, AS12A, AS14, AS14A, and AS22 inorganic anion applications.

Note: Use the Anion Self-Regenerating Suppressor (ASRS®300) with the AS22-Fast column for eluent suppression.

    Separation of Common Inorganic Anions Using the IonPac AS-22-Fast 4 × 150 mm Column.

    Separation of Common Inorganic Anions Using the IonPac AS22-Fast 2 × 150 mm Column.

    Analysis of a Municipal Drinking Water Sample Using the IonPac AS22-Fast 4 × 150 mm Column.

    Analytical Columns
    IonPac AS22-Fast Analytical Column (4 x 150 mm)079936
    IonPac AS22-Fast Analytical Column (2 x 150 mm)079937
    Guard Columns
    IonPac AG22-Fast Guard Column (2 x 30 mm)072785
    IonPac AG22-Fast Guard Column (4 x 30 mm)072784
    Anion Eluent Concentrates
    AS22 Eluent Concentrate (100x), 250 mL063965

    赛默飞Thermo IonPac AS22-Fast Carbonate Eluent Anion-Exchange Column离子色谱IC柱信息由上海希言科学仪器有限公司为您提供,如您想了解更多关于赛默飞Thermo IonPac AS22-Fast Carbonate Eluent Anion-Exchange Column离子色谱IC柱报价、型号、参数等信息,欢迎来电或留言咨询。


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