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赛默飞Thermo Dionex AminoTrap Column离子色谱IC柱

品牌 厂商性质 产地 货期
赛默飞 一般经销商 美国 现货



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The Thermo ScientificDionexAminoTrapis an in-line pretreatment column installed in place of the guard column, before a carbohydrate monosaccharide column.

  • In-line sample pretreatment column removes amino acids from samples for monosaccharide analysis.

  • Eliminates electrode fouling due to the presence of amino acids such as lysine.

  • Different dimensions are available for different monosaccharide analytical columns.

The detection of monosaccharides and amine-containing glycoconjugates with low levels of glycosylation can be compromised from fouling of the working electrode by amino acids.Amino acids such as lysine are potential interferents without the AminoTrap, because the oxidation products inhibit detector response for later-eluting monosaccharides.

The Dionex AminoTrap is an in-line pretreatment column installed in place of the guard column, before an analytical carbohydrate monosaccharide column, such as the Thermo Scientific Dionex CarboPacPA20 or CarboPac PA10.Specifically designed with high selectivity for amino acids, the Dionex AminoTrap column retains the amino acids, thus allowing the monosaccharides to be eluted well before interfering amino acids.In this way, the Dionex AminoTrap column eliminates working electrode fouling for samples such as glycoprotein hydrolysates or food sources that contain lysine.

The AminoTrapis packed with a 10 µm particle size, high-capacity, anion-exchange resinthat has high selectivity for hydrophobic amino acids relative to monosaccharides when using hydroxide eluents.The 4×50 mm Dionex AminoTrap is recommended for use with the Dionex CarboPac PA10. The 3 × 30 mm Dionex AminoTrap is recommended for use with the Dionex CarboPac PA20. The 0.4 x 35 mm Dionex AminoTrap is recommended for use with the Dionex CarboPac PA10 (0.4 mm) and Dionex CarboPac PA20 (0.4 mm).

Effect of the AminoTrap Column on Monosaccharide Composition Analysis of IgG Hydrolysate.

Profiling MAb Hydrolysate on the CarboPac PA20, with and without an AminoTrap.

Ordering Information
Amino Trap Column (4 x 50 mm)046122
Amino Trap Column (3 x 30 mm)060146
AminoTrap Column (2 x 50 mm)SP5578

赛默飞Thermo Dionex AminoTrap Column离子色谱IC柱信息由上海希言科学仪器有限公司为您提供,如您想了解更多关于赛默飞Thermo Dionex AminoTrap Column离子色谱IC柱报价、型号、参数等信息,欢迎来电或留言咨询。


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