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Clemizole hydrochloride | 盐酸克立咪唑 | MedChemExpress (MCE)

英文名称:Clemizole hydrochloride
品牌 厂商性质 产地 货期 价格
MedChemExpress (MCE) 生产商 美国 现货 550


Clemizole hydrochloride 是一种 H1 组胺受体 (H1 histamine receptor) 拮抗剂,抑制 HCV 复制。Clemizole hydrochlorid

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10 mM * 1 mL 1163-36-6 ¥550.00 询底价

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Clemizole hydrochloride

CAS No. : 1163-36-6

MCE 国际站:Clemizole hydrochloride

产品活性:Clemizole hydrochloride 是一种 H1 组胺受体 (H1 histamine receptor) 拮抗剂,抑制 HCV 复制。Clemizole hydrochloride 还是一种 TRPC5 通道的抑制剂。

研究领域:GPCR/G Protein  |  Neuronal Signaling  |  Immunology/Inflammation  |  Membrane Transporter/Ion Channel  |  Metabolic Enzyme/Protease  |  Anti-infection

作用靶点:Histamine Receptor  |  TRP Channel  |  HCV Protease  |  HCV

In Vitro: Clemizole hydrochloride is found to inhibit HCV RNA replication in cell culture that is mediated by its suppression of NS4B’s RNA binding, with little toxicity for the host cell. The EC50 of Clemizole on the W55R mutant J6/JFH RNA is ~18 µM (2.25 times the EC50 of the wild-type RNA). Clemizole is a novel inhibitor of TRPC5 channels. Clemizole efficiently blocks TRPC5 currents and Ca2+ entry in the low micromolar range (IC50=1.0-1.3 µM). Clemizole exhibits a six-fold selectivity for TRPC5 over TRPC4β (IC50=6.4 µM), the closest structural relative of TRPC5, and an almost 10-fold selectivity over TRPC3 (IC50=9.1 µM) and TRPC6 (IC50=11.3 µM). Clemizole hydrochloride as a novel blocker of TRPC5 with a half-maximal inhibitory concentration of 1.1 µM. The concentration-response curves confirmed a concentration-dependent block of TRPC5 by Clemizole and revealed an apparent IC50 of 1.1±0.04 µM.

In Vivo: Clemizole hydrochloride has an unexpectedly short plasma half-life (measured at 0.15 hours); it is very rapidly biotransformed into a glucuronide (M14) and a dealkylated metabolite (M12) and into a variety of lesser metabolites in C57BL/6J mice.

相关产品:Drug Repurposing Compound Library Plus  |  FDA-Approved Drug Library Plus  |  FDA-Approved Drug Library Mini  |  Bioactive Compound Library Plus  |  Anti-Infection Compound Library  |  GPCR/G Protein Compound Library  |  Immunology/Inflammation Compound Library  |  Membrane Transporter/Ion Channel Compound Library  |  Metabolism/Protease Compound Library  |  Neuronal Signaling Compound Library  |  FDA-Approved Drug Library  |  Anti-Cancer Compound Library  |  Antiviral Compound Library  |  Drug Repurposing Compound Library  |  Endocrinology Compound Library  |  Orally Active Compound Library  |  Neurotransmitter Receptor Compound Library  |  FDA Approved & Pharmacopeial Drug Library  |  Anti-Hepatitis C Virus Compound Library  |  Anti-Parkinson's Disease Compound Library  |  Neurodegenerative Disease-related Compound Library  |  Anti-Obesity Compound Library  |  Mechanoreceptors Compound Library  |  Targeted Diversity Library  |  Rare Diseases Drug Library  |  FDA-Approved Anticancer Drug Library  |  Coagulation and Anti-coagulation Compound Library  |  Heterocyclic Compound Library  |  Pain-Related Compound Library  |  Off-patent Drug Library  |  Protease Inhibitor Library   |  Membrane Protein-targeted Compound Library  |  Membrane Receptor-targeted Compound Library  |  Ion Channel Compound Library  |  Multi-Target Compound Library  |  Rosiglitazone  |  Resiquimod  |  Capsaicin  |  GsMTx4  |  EIPA  |  Probenecid  |  2-Aminoethyl diphenylborinate  |  Diphenyleneiodonium chloride  |  Histamine  |  Amiloride hydrochloride  |  GSK1016790A  |  Honokiol  |  Capsazepine  |  Deferiprone  |  Ribavirin  |  U18666A  |  HC-067047  |  Artemisinin  |  AG-1478  |  HC-030031  |  Asunaprevir  |  Grazoprevir  |  ML-SA1  |  Myriocin  |  EIDD-1931  |  Sofosbuvir  |  GSK2193874  |  NIM811  |  Simeprevir

热门产品线:重组蛋白  |  药物筛选  |  天然产物  |  荧光染料  |  PROTAC  |  同位素标记物

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Clemizole hydrochloride | 盐酸克立咪唑 | MedChemExpress (MCE)信息由MedChemExpress (MCE)为您提供,如您想了解更多关于Clemizole hydrochloride | 盐酸克立咪唑 | MedChemExpress (MCE)报价、型号、参数等信息,欢迎来电或留言咨询。


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