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AF488 NHS ester | MedChemExpress (MCE)

英文名称:AF488 NHS ester
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MedChemExpress (MCE) 生产商 美国 订货 1900


AF488 NHS ester 是一种胺特异性荧光探针 (Em=525 nm)。AF488 NHS ester 在水和生物样品中,与巯基和胺反应,并在衍生化后改变它们的化学结构和荧光性质。

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1 mg 1374019-99-4 ¥1,900.00 询底价

AF488 NHS ester 产品活性:AF488 NHS ester 是一种胺特异性荧光探针 (Em=525 nm)。AF488 NHS ester 在水和生物样品中,与巯基和胺反应,并在衍生化后改变它们的化学结构和荧光性质。 产品来源: https://www.medchemexpress.cn/af488-nhs-ester.html 研究领域:Others 作用靶点:Fluorescent Dye In Vitro: IgG fluorescent labeling and anti-IgG solid phase peptide libraries screening of AF488 NHS ester (1) Dissolve the lyophilized immunoglobulin in a solution of 50 mM sodium phosphate, 20 mM sodium chloride and PH 8.3 at a concentration of 5 g/L. (2) Dissolve 1 mg of AF488 NHS ester in 100 µL extra dry DMF, add 1 mL of solution in (1), and incubate at room temperature for 1 h. (3) Collect samples with Amicon Ultra 0.5-mL Centrifugal Filter Unit equipped with 3-kDa MWCO filters. (4) The deprotected libraries of hexameric or tetrameric are washed in 50 mM sodium phosphate, 150 mM sodium chloride, PH 7.4 (PBS) solution with 5× settled resin volume washing three times to balance. (5) Dilute IgG-AF488 with 50 mM sodium phosphate, 150 mM sodium chloride, 0.2% Tween (PH 7.4) solution until the final concentration is 1.3 mg/mL. (6) Incubate (4) and (5) at 2-8°C overnight. (7) Wash resin beads with 50 mM sodium phosphate, 150 mM sodium chloride, 0.1% Tween 20, PH 7.4 (PBS-T). (8) The resin is deposited in a 96-well plate of 40 µL PBS-T with one bead per well, and then the fluorescence microscope is used to image at 10× magnification. Under 480 nm excitation, Alexa Fluor 488 fluorescence measurement and fluorescence screening are carried out with 510 nm emission intensity as the threshold. AF488 NHS ester storage solution Prepare 20 mM AF488 NHS ester with DMF. Note: AF488 NHS ester storage solution is recommended to be stored in dark at -20°C after sub-packaging. 相关产品:MitoSOX Red | BODIPY 493/503 | D-Luciferin potassium | Nile Red | FITC | JC-1 | Propidium Iodide | DiR | FITC-Dextran (MW 4000) | Dihydroethidium | CFDA-SE | 2-NBDG | Calcein-AM | DiI | Thiazolyl Blue | Cy5.5 | TMRE | Fluo-4 AM | CY5 | Indocyanine green | PKH 26 | DiD perchlorate | Acridine Orange hydrochloride | BODIPY 581/591 C11 | FM4-64 | DiO | CY5-SE 品牌介绍: MCE (MedChemExpress) 拥有数百种全球独家化合物,我们致力于为全球科研客户提供最新最全的高品质小分子活性化合物;10,000 多种高选择性抑制剂、激动剂涉及各热门信号通路及疾病领域;设有专业的实验中心和严格的质控、验证体系;提供 LC/MS、NMR、HPLC、手性分析、元素分析等各项质检报告,确保产品的高纯度、高品质;产品的生物活性多经各国客户实验验证;Nature, Cell, Science 等多种顶级期刊及制药专利收录了MCE客户的科研成果;专业团队跟踪最新的制药及生命科学研究进展,为您提供全球最新的活性化合物;与世界各大制药公司及知名科研机构建立了长期的合作。

AF488 NHS ester | MedChemExpress (MCE)信息由MedChemExpress (MCE)为您提供,如您想了解更多关于AF488 NHS ester | MedChemExpress (MCE)报价、型号、参数等信息,欢迎来电或留言咨询。


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